RO Training

Welcome to the BSRC Range Officer learning package

The package is designed for you to learn at your own pace and practice the competencies and learning outcomes before deciding that you are ready to be assessed.

How the package works:

  1. You download the training material which includes work books, some power point presentations and assessment documentation.
  2. You work through the material at your own pace.
  3. You attend a range day to carry out some practice in the practical skills
  4. You submit your workbooks for assessment. If you are successful having presented sufficient evidence you are given the OK to be assessed by one of the club RCOs.

A flow chart at the beginning of the work book will illustrate this for you.

The changes made to the training procedure for BSRC Range Officers will ensure that the Club has a ready supply of members who are prepared to run the range as well as use it. A natural follow on to the Club induction course, the flexible system will allow you to achieve the qualification in your available time with as much or as little support as you need.


Some people are better than others at exams, tests and assessments. As part of the package you will have to take part in the assessments, both practical and written. You will be the judge of when you are ready to be assessed and the assessors will ensure that you are ready to be assessed. The documentation within this package includes the ‘Learning Outcomes’ which are a general description of the skills the BSRC Range Officer will be required to demonstrate and the ‘assessment criteria ‘ which describes the elements of the learning outcome.
When you are assessed you will be expected to demonstrate the criteria, although this may be observed, as a result of answering questions, producing written work, (work book) or a test which could be either a practical test or written.

Membership applications are submitted on-line. Please click the button below to activate our joining process.

Once you have completed your application it will automatically be forwarded to the club secretary for approval.

Before completing the application form you will need the names and membership number of 2 current full members of the club to propose and second your application. If you wish to visit the club prior to completing your application, please consult the events calendar for a convenient date. Please be aware that you will not be able to shoot during this visit.