Historic Dates

Some significant dates since the formation of the BSRC

The NRA held Running Deer competitions at the Imperial Meeting every year from 1862 with breaks during both World Wars.

In 1962 The British Sporting Rifle Club was formed under the drive and enthusiasm of Archie J. Butterworth with the main aim of saving the Running Deer. In January that year he had received a letter from the Secretary of the NRA telling him that “they were dickering with the NSRA about leasing them the Running Deer Range on a long term lease as a permanent small-bore rifle range”. On 15th February he wrote to several people stating that he proposed to form a Bisley Sporting Rifle Club in order, among other things, to save the Running Deer which was at that time only used during the Imperial Meeting.

The inaugural meeting was held on 18th March that year by which time he had decided that British, rather than Bisley, Sporting Rifle Club sounded grander; Archie did “grand” rather well! Six present at the meeting with another three on the range but not at the meeting and a further eleven prospective members were named who had promised support for the Club.

After no-one elected to shoot the Running Deer from the then optional sitting position during the first three Club meetings this option was withdrawn in favour of UIT standing position only. Telescopic sights were also banned to conform to UIT rules. The Running Deer was operated by a team of four men, two on each side to push and stop the carriage on which the wooden target was mounted. This took place on right hand of the two existing 17 yard runs. The Bandit (sitting snap) and Martin Smith (prone precision) static competitions were shot on targets mounted on a trolley on rails in the left hand run. This could be drawn into the shelter and patched while the Deer was still operating.

The following dates might be of interest:

22nd/23rd September 1962
First Annual Championships held. Armourer-Sergeant Alan Chatfield won all events except the Mackworth-Praed (standing unsupported, 5 shots per minute) which had by then been incorporated in the event. There was no firing point shelter.
22nd/23rd September 1962
August 1963
Five members represented G.B. at Running Deer and Running Roebuck at European championships in Sandviken with standard hunting rifles in .280 &.308 calibres. Soviets were using what came to be known as .22PPC
August 1963
5th October 1963
an ‘experimental Running Roebuck shoot held – (E.W. Carpenter 4th)
5th October 1963
November 1963
John Rees Davies resigns as Secretary being very unhappy with the way moneys were being collected and spent on would-be International shooters.
November 1963
December 1963
Buck Match replaces the Bandit
December 1963
February 1964
UIT approved Deer target used for first time, with hinged antlers but still only a 17 yard gap.
February 1964
June 1964
First use of electrified Deer on the left hand of the two ranges with target still on a trolley. No automatic brake and much skill needed to operate it. The right hand one pushed manually.
June 1964
July 1964
Captain John Gough wins all Sporting rifle events at the NRA National Meeting except Martin-Smith and McQueen won by George Svenson, one of the originators of the SWING rifle.
July 1964
November 1965
50m Running Boar range first in operation in the Time Limit range with the target suspended on a carrier cable attached to a tree. Fast runs initially 2.0 seconds found to be very taxing!
November 1965
September 1966
Captain Le Mesurier (Sec. NRA) complains about motor operators allowing the deer to go too far into the shelter when the target was not properly pushed down into its sockets thus decapitating the deer!
September 1966
18th October 1967
Telescopic sights first used on Running Deer. Dr. Roderick Woods scores 94 in Singles eclipsing Butterworth’s record of 87 (in both Singles and Doubles)
18th October 1967
July 1968
‘temporary’ new Deer facility installed in time for NRA Meeting. This was a twin target affair suspended on wire and was shot from a green collapsible ‘sentry box’ firing point hut that was erected each day the range was to be used. The centre line of fire was as in the 1890s, on a bearing of approx. 3010.
July 1968
October 1973
May 1977 Running Deer range closed.
October 1973
January 1975
Royal Engineers commence re-building the higher Running Deer stop butt, in part on top of the existing run. Completion in June after delays due to weather.
January 1975
April 1975
Inaugural Spring Match – a Boar only team event, with 8 teams of three.
April 1975
a new Deer range built by Don Thurlow and others, with the target running on a mono-rail. Opened in May but without any firing point shelter or provision for markers. Cost £912. Later the collapsible sentry box firing point was positioned to the left of the centre line, to shoot on a bearing of 317.26 to fall in with MoD safety trace.
21st April 1977
Safety Certificates for Running Deer and Running Boar issued.
21st April 1977
January 1978
Second rail and trolley in place on Running Deer obviating the need for top cable.
January 1978
March/April 1978
New Speith Boar range installed in time for Spring Match. John Gough score 573 for new British Record, a truly world class score comparable with current W.R. of 579
March/April 1978
21st July 1978
Range officially opened by HRH Prince Charles. He hit the Running Deer target several times thus following the footsteps of his Great-Great-Grandfather Edward on Wimbledon in 1863 when he was Prince of Wales. Don Thurlow’s .222 rifle, used on the occasion, is in the NRA Museum, the property of the BSRC.
21st July 1978
July 1978
National Championships for Running Deer and Running Boar were included in the NRA and NSRA meetings.
July 1978
January 1979
John Anthony shoots an escaped “wild” boar in Essex, the first killed for 400 years?!
January 1979
September 1979
decision to use DJV Buck and Fox and abandon Sitting Hare
September 1979
December 1979
Boar Firing Point rebuilt ‘in same proportions as Moscow model’.
December 1979
January 1980
first use of DJV Buck and Sitting Fox replacing 50 HPS Buck & Sitting Hare.
January 1980
June 1980
Following discussion the previous year at World Championships in Austria, BSRC hosted and organised an Invitation Moving Target Match as a “thank you” for the many invitations it had received in recent years. Having only one 50m range it was decided to limit entries to seven countries each with two shooters. People’s Republic of China, Hungary, Italy, Sweden, West Germany and DDR were accepted. Three matches over three days were organised. Baxter, Gough (later handing over to Tony Clark), Thurlow (targets), Kynoch (CRO), Bane (results), Ashpole (butts) and Wiseman were heavily involved, the later in installing CCTV for the first time. Alka Seltzer agreed to sponsor the event. BBC Grandstand attended and put on a 17 minute screening in 21st June.
June 1980
July 1980
New British Running Deer Championship trophy – the twin deer trophy – produced though auspices of Charles Leatherby, Reg Bowden & Colin Cook for total of 40 shots Singles plus 40 shots Doubles.
July 1980
December 1980
Confirmation that Emlyn Newman awards in the form of tankards were to recognise promising junior shooters. Awarded to David Orell for 1979 and Simon Evans for 1980. (Later in 1985 to John Maddison who kindly returned the tankard in 2005 for re-use along with many other glassware trophies)
December 1980
August 1981
Portakabin Deer firing point, Swedish electric motor and drive gear with our own Honda petrol generator operating. Cost £4000 of which £1500 by BSRC, remainder from NRA & Shooting Sports Trust.
August 1981
September 1981
scattering of Charles Leatherby’s ashes, he having died in Canada in July. Leatherby Memorial competition first shot in September 1982
September 1981
July 1981
Decision to raise the Monthly Entry Fees from £2. NRA marker now cost £8 a day.
July 1981
August 1983
Running Deer Range closed along with most others.
August 1983
April 1984
John Maddison shares “Cafferata” Award with Joanne Farr. Awarded by NSRA to promising young shooters
April 1984
August 1984
Running Deer Re-opened – after one year.
August 1984
September 1985
New Speith Boar set delivered. 3 phase Motor unit installed on existing Boar set-up.
September 1985
August 1986
self-loading rifles to be permitted on trial basis, not for Deer Doubles Later banned by resolution of 1988 AGM
August 1986
29th August 1987

major breakdown of Deer electrics and controls. S.R. Championships

29th August 1987
1st December 1987
all three ranges closed
1st December 1987
Jan 1988
new Club Hut supplied by NRA in use. Deer Firing Point Hut ordered
Jan 1988
April 1988
All three ranges re-opened after remedial work. The Port-a-Kabin had been replaced by the Firing Point hut from Messrs Buffalo Ltd. in the position of the former.
April 1988
February 1990
Harry Eaton, much respected NRA Range Superintendent died.
February 1990
July 1991
TAS drawing for repositioning of Running Deer to make room for Winans development showing distances of Firing point and centre of gap from datum line of left hand side of Melville.
July 1991
New Running Deer range laid down by Don Carter and others, parallel to the orientation in the above drawing, but approx. 1.5m nearer to Melville at both ends built. The centre line of fire is on a bearing of 3120 approximately, i.e. 1.50 away from the trouble spot.
June 1992
Michael Baxter, Club Chairman died outside his hut on Camp after working all day building the new range with others
June 1992
Range opened by John de Havilland, Chairman NRA, just in time for Nordics.
March 1993
two crystal ‘Loving Cups’ bought for Static events at Annual Championship meeting
March 1993
May 1993
Class B Deer competition introduced
May 1993
September 1995
doubts expressed by MOD about the safety trace of Running Deer range. Closed in October to modern centre fire calibres – 4th time in 21 years. FP needs to be moved 7.94 m to the left, (TAS drawing TO 1640 -3 of 5) i.e. into the middle of the Static FP, to fit this trace. To get the Static range to fit into the new Safety Trace the angle of fire needs to be altered 7.50 to the North. This equated to a move of the targets of approximately 13m which is close to the inward end of the left hand antler run.
September 1995
February 1996
Deer Firing Point lifted onto new base 8m to south.
February 1996
Spring 1996
new Static Canopy built and new stop butt built under southern ‘antler run’, this altering the line of fire some 130 against the 7.50 that was required.
Spring 1996
14th May 1996
New Safety certificate K1314 issue for all three ranges although the Boar not operational. Spring Match goes ahead on 18th-19th May
14th May 1996
10th August 1996
Boar Range opened for R.B. Championships. Archie Butterworth fires ceremonial shot. Derek Seaton does the same for the new Statics range
10th August 1996
March 1997
new target shed in operation – later to be called the Middle Shed.
March 1997
October 1997
NSRA hands over three cases of parts of Speith Boar range. This included the single phase drive unit which had been used up to September 1985.
October 1997
November 1997
start made on new Club Pavilion – opened at AGM June 1998. Financed out of two year’s surpluses, mainly Range Hire. No grants or borrowings.
November 1997
June 1998
Following implementation of new ‘aiming error’ angles for military moving target ranges in JSP 403, NRA negotiated a compromise whereby the military will move a fence and we will shoot out of the left hand bay only on the Deer Firing Point. Electrics moved over to accommodate this. Firing Point now 7.3 m off the bisecting perpendicular. Nordic specification – maximum 4 metres.
June 1998
June 1998
Reconfirmation of BSRC self-imposed ban on all calibres exceeding 8 mm, or case capacity greater than that of the .30-06, from the Deer Firing Point House. Further that except in competitions required to be shot under Nordic Rules, rifles to be held in a horizontal ready position, not muzzle up.
June 1998
July 1999
following statement that the military would no longer move their fence now that is was realised this involved 700m of it, BSRC was required to move the Deer ‘gap’ 0.7metres to the right. In the event it was moved 2 metres thus allowing firing to be from the right hand bay. The statics frames were moved 3 metres to the left following agreement from TAS, so that they did not impinge on the left hand antler run. This work done by Brian Brimfield at BSRC expense. The military expressed the hope that they would fund the realignment of the Deer track in due course which was now more than 9 metres ‘off centre’.
July 1999
December 1999
Two Suis Ascor electronic units delivered with Buck (2), Fox and standing Boar targets. Targets used first for Inter-Club match on 9th April when 24 relays of Stalkers Match put through in 2¼ hours.
December 1999
December 2000
Long Shed beside Statics bullet catcher, from which electronic targets could be drawn out on wheels, built by Robinsons. Running Deer butt realigned at MoD expense. New rails laid; locally made trolley and new driving gear from Dalby in Sweden installed.
December 2000
January 2002
Closed for centre-fire when 7mm FMJ bullet found in roof at Heatherside GR906598. Re-opened February after enquiry that concluded that although the bullet may have come from Sporting Rifle Complex it could well have come from other ranges particularly from the Trafalgar Meeting in October.
January 2002
August 2002
2 further 100m electronic targets sets delivered from Suis Ascor along with 10m Running Target range.
August 2002
September 2002
Buck Timer made by Ian Sugden used in Club Championships, as were new electronic targets; 2 Bucks & 1 Fox.
September 2002
March 2003
Work started on building new Boar range on Time Limit including building new stop butt. Dalby drive unit delivered in June. Firing Point house started in October. Brimfield did ground work and foundations and Albert Lyons the block work on both. Much voluntary labour from the Monday Squad – Derek Seaton, JMK, John Jackson, Martin Gradon, John Watson, Paul Grannell, Vaughan Cherry, Mike Sheehan
March 2003
January 2004
Shooting Rules concerning Class B Buck altered to allow the use of a fitted or hand-held bi-pod, providing the rifle or hand was supported above the intersection of the legs, which was deemed to be a stable and safe position from which to raise the rifle to the shoulder.
January 2004
Autumn 2004
Time Limit Boar range operating – old canopy refurbished and glazed in.
Autumn 2004
November 2004
John Kynoch and Vaughan Cherry visit Häring electronic scoring installations in Germany. Executive approve go-ahead to install systems on Deer and TL Boar
November 2004
12th February 2005
Archie Butterworth (born 19th June 1912), died aged 92. January 2006 his widow Barbara died aged 91
12th February 2005
7th March 2005
First installation of Häring electronic scoring equipment on Deer and Time Limit Boar
7th March 2005
July 2006
Delivery and installation of complete Häring system on Mid Boar.
July 2006
September 2009
Haring 10m Range purchased from club member Vaughn Cherry
September 2009
May 2014
Sius Ascor 10m RT range replaced with a Haring 10m RT range. The Sius Ascor range was loaned to the NSRA with the hope of encouraging others (particularly Juniors) to try the moving target events.
May 2014
March 2015
Sius Ascor static targets replaced with Haring electronic scoring static targets. All the target systems on the range now use the same software.
March 2015
August 2015
Invitation extended to the NSRA Junior International Competitors to shoot Running Boar & 10m at BSRC – attracted 30+ competitors from all home countries, USA & South Africa.
August 2015
March 2017
Anatomical roe buck target added to the electronic static targets. The target based on a paper target supplied by Bushwear who kindly supplied high resolution images for creation of the computer target definitions.
March 2017

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Before completing the application form you will need the names and membership number of 2 current full members of the club to propose and second your application. If you wish to visit the club prior to completing your application, please consult the events calendar for a convenient date. Please be aware that you will not be able to shoot during this visit.